Active listening

Active listening is a communication technique that is used in counseling, training and conflict resolution. It requires that the listener fully concentrate, understand, respond and then remember what…


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3 things about 2 things that are 1 thing

Or 1 thing that appears to be two things as demonstrated by 3 things.

There is 1 one thing that seems to be greatly misunderstood and at the root of much confusion and misunderstanding. It is a wild idea for sure.

It takes a lot of brain power to take an image from each eye and turn it 3d. Not only that but it has to flip it upside down while remembering that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. That’s just the imaging part, not counting all of the other senses that come into play to create this reality. So to throw it all in reverse and ask it to undo all of that processing is often an overload and the brain gives up. I can’t really blame it, I give up after a while too when someone continues to ask me to do something and then turns around and ask me to undo it. So give some love to your brain, it puts up with a lot of abuse.

There is an easier way to process all of this but that is for another day. The short answer is just don’t. That is a strange experience and requires a little practice and time to adjust so take it easy if you try it.

The two things that make up this one thing appear to be opposites of each other and therein lies the friction, the beauty, and the genius. There is a joy to be found in all creation because this one thing decided to split into two. It realized that something as simple as a coin couldn’t be seen, held, smelled, coveted, flipped, given, etc. if it didn’t exist and it couldn’t exist without 2 sides. Go ahead try it, split the coin in 2 until there is only one side remaining, maybe use bread for this experiment as it is slightly easier to cut.

There was a great risk being taken by this one thing though when it decided to split into two. The risk was that only one side would be seen and mistaken as the whole leaving only half of the whole picture to be fully understood. This is where we find ourselves now. Everything in our experience exists because it is split in two and we often only see one side thereby keeping ourselves from understanding the One thing completely. With great risk comes great reward though, so no worries, the reward is coming.

Now each of these sides believes they are the real side, the whole thing, the right thing, the only thing. Fighting erupts to show the other side it is not real or unequal. One side tries to prove why they are the more superior side and will certainly be the survivor of the fittest. This is all good and super helpful in gaining experiential knowledge, but it doesn’t come without a lot of suffering. Fights hurt you know.

Because one thing (no pun intended) the two sides don’t realize is that they are punching their own faces while thinking it is that horrible, no good, other side causing all of the problems. The heads throw themselves into the fire to burn the tails but instead of realizing they did the throwing, they blame the tails for this burning sensation. I mean it has to be tails fault, why would I throw myself into the fire. Yeah, that is confusing and irrational, which is not how our brains function.

One of the brain's primary functions is to create rationality out of irrationality. To create order out of chaos so to speak. Now we all believe our own brains because, well, it's our brain, and our brain would never lie to us or try to deceive us right? We can’t trust many things, but our brain, now that’s something we can certainly trust. Or is it?

3 of these things made out of these two halves of this one thing that seem to be popular these days are gender, morals, and matter. Each of these can be looked at from this perspective and much can be gained from seeing through the eyes of the other half. Go ahead, try it, and don’t be skeered.

However, I am not touching any of these things today. You must think I’m crazy :)

“We think the fire eats the wood. We are wrong. The wood reaches out to the flame. The fire licks at what the wood harbors, and the wood gives itself away to that intimacy, the manner in which we and the world meet each new day.” ― Jack Gilbert

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